Many people get into the fitness industry to offer clients guidance with exercise. But nutrition is also important to health and fitness. Learn the value of fitness nutrition certification. We also share how to earn this designation.
In fitness, we often talk with clients about fat, carb, and protein intake. We discuss quality sources of each and how much to consume. However, nutrient timing matters too. Here’s why, and how to do it based on exercise type or fitness goal.
You think about your carb, protein, and fat intake—but what about your fiber? Fiber has too many health benefits to ignore. Learn why you want it in your diet, how much you need, and which high-fiber foods can help you meet the recommended amount.
Pre-workout supplements are rising in popularity. But do you need them to hit your fitness goals? Here’s what research tells us.
Cualquiera que quiera agregar músculo a su cuerpo puede usar una estrategia de aumento de volumen para lograrlo. Necesitas los alimentos adecuados con las calorías adecuadas equilibradas con entrenamientos de fuerza, para que ganes músculo, no grasa.
Are you or a client looking to build muscle? If so, diet is essential. Use these meal prep tips to get the balance right and to stay on track as you work toward goals.
Es importante considerar la ingesta de calorías al alcanzar los objetivos de composición corporal, la proporción de macros en su dieta puede ser aún más importante.
¿Magnesio para los músculos? Cuando se habla de la recuperación muscular existen varias opciones. ¿Cuáles son las opciones disponibles? ¿Cuál puede ser mejor para la recuperación muscular?
Tracking macros every day is a great way to support a goal to build muscle. We'll show you how to do it.
Cardio exercise can help us lose weight by increasing calories burned. But will we get better results by working out in a fasted state? Learn what research says about fasted cardio for weight loss.
El desarrollo muscular (tanto para aumentar la fuerza como la hipertrofia) requiere algo más que levantar pesas y hacer ejercicio. Las ganancias musculares ocurren lentamente, pero con una dieta adecuada y saludable, sus clientes alcanzarán sus goles de fuerza más rápidamente.
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