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More Than Just An NBHWC Approved Training Course

Your path to becoming a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Enroll Now – Get a FREE Nutritionist Certification Course

Elevate your coaching journey with Pathway – the exclusive 3-month interactive online health coach certification training. Unlock advanced coaching communication skills and enhance your confidence for unparalleled success in the world of health coaching.

Join our next cohort starting September 16th! Enroll now and get a FREE Nutritionist Certification Course you can start today. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to advance your career!

Our Pathway Empowered
Well-Being Holistic Approach

Join Pathway and discover a transformative system that turns distress into empowerment, guiding you and your clients toward a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Our Empowered Well-Being & Reactive Distress models offer a simple yet comprehensive framework, drawing from Positive Psychology and Acceptance and Commitment theory, to enhance your coaching skills in holistic wellness. Gain deep insights into all eight dimensions of wellness, empowering individuals (and yourself!) to thrive in every aspect of life. Pathway teaches you how to boost your stress resilience, making you unstoppable. As a Pathway student, you'll emerge as a confident and empowered coach, ready to lead your clients toward lasting health and well-being. Plus, you'll have the tools to continue using this transformative system long after graduation. Join us on this journey to unleash your full potential and make a meaningful impact in the world of health & wellness coaching.

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Man smiling looking at laptop

Not sure yet? Get more info on the Pathway Program!

Start your journey to becoming a National Board-Certified Coach and see what it takes to coach with confidence and enhance your career!

PLUS, get a FREE look at the course catalog!

Pathway Program Details

Here are more details on the Pathway program including curriculum breakdown, pricing options, and information about the NBHWC board exam.

Pathway Curriculum Overview | NBHWC Board Exam | Pathway Pricing

Pathway Curriculum Overview

Pathway offers a 3-month online training tailored for health & wellness coaches seeking to boost confidence and empowerment. Led by experienced instructors, our interactive program provides a cohort-based learning experience.

You'll explore fundamental health coaching concepts, focusing on our exclusive Empowered Well-Being models. Develop essential communication skills, learn effective goal-setting and action-planning techniques, and explore healthy lifestyle practices and behavior change strategies. With a strong emphasis on client-centered coaching, you'll apply practical skills through hands-on practice sessions and receive personalized guidance on professional development. Benefit from live supervised coaching practice to ensure continuous growth throughout the program. Access a variety of resources, including live lessons, online readings, videos, and real-time practice sessions. Practice coaching skills in weekly live coaching labs and receive tailored feedback from our expert faculty to track your progress.

Elevate your personal growth and master diverse coaching skills, evidence-based practices, health and wellness knowledge, and recognized ethics and standards with the Pathway curriculum. Gain confidence in the coach’s scope of practice and take your coaching career to new heights!

NBHWC Board Exam

Pathway is an Approved Health and Wellness Coach Training & Education Program by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). NBHWC Approved Programs meet the required standards in instructional hours, practical skill development and assessment, and faculty qualifications in the instruction of the competencies related to health and wellness coaching.

Graduates of HCI Pathway will receive a certificate and proof of eligibility for the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching exam to earn the prestigious National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) credential – the highest standard in the profession. Developed in collaboration with the National Board of Medical Examiners, the NBC-HWC credential is a testament to your expertise and excellence as a health and wellness coach.

NBHWC requires board exam applicants submit the following:

  • Proof of eligibility from an NBHWC Approved Training Program

  • Proof of an associate’s degree or higher OR documentation of 4000 hours of work experience in any field

  • A coaching log of 50 coaching sessions completed after graduation

  • An application and exam fee

Program Pricing

The Pathway Program is competitively priced, and we offer flexible payment options. We believe there’s no better return on investment than doing work that lights you up, aligns with your mission and values, and enables you to help others live their best lives—while living your best life too!

At HCI, we make every effort to help you afford your training. We run seasonal promos with generous tuition discounts, offer amazing bonuses with enrollment, and also offer payment plans. Learn more by talking to a Clarity Coach.

Best Deal
Pay in Full and SAVE $500!
No monthly payments.

+ FREE Nutritionist Certification Course!


One time Payment

Pay Over Time
Pay Monthly
Start for FREE!

+ FREE Nutritionist Certification Course!


0% interest
12 monthly payments
($5,000 Total)


Why Choose Pathway?

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Training in HCI-exclusive Empowered Well-Being Wellness Models

Learn two unique wellness models to assess clients and support their holistic wellness across eight dimensions of health. You will take a deep dive into each wellness area, improve your stress resilience, and be empowered to do the same with clients.

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Mentorship & Extensive Practical Feedback

As a Pathway student, you’ll receive live, personal attention from faculty, mentorship, plus individualized feedback on your coaching to help you understand your strengths, opportunities, and recommendations for further growth.

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Comprehensive Coaching Skills Training

Dive into Appreciative Coaching, Motivational Interviewing, mindfulness, and holistic wellness tools. Our program stands out by offering robust instruction in all these essential areas!

Discover how Pathway can help you take your coaching career to exciting new heights.

Meet Our Pathway Faculty

Brooke Jeffries

Brooke Jeffries, MS, CN, NBC-HWC

Brooke Jeffries is the Lead Instructor and Program Director of the HCI Pathway Program. With a wealth of knowledge in nutrition, health, and coaching, Brooke is a Certified Nutritionist, National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and an advisor on the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching Program Approval Commission. Her passion for personal growth is infectious, and her expertise is unparalleled. Before joining HCI in 2019, Brooke managed a team of dietitian coaches, ran a successful private nutrition practice, and worked in corporate coaching. Over the past decade, she has mentored countless coaches in building robust coaching and clinical skills.

HCI | Meet Our Pathway Faculty Laura DuBois Image

Laura DuBois, MS, PT, NBC-HWC

For Laura DuBois, teaching and mentoring is part of her DNA. She enjoyed a long career as a Physical Therapist before making the very natural transition to Coaching, and now her role as a Pathway Faculty instructor lets her bring ALL of her gifts and skills to the table. Her enthusiasm for coaching is palpable! In addition to her Faculty role in the Pathway Program, Laura runs her own coaching business and supports professional women to be their most empowered selves.

HCI | Meet Our Pathway Faculty Jennifer McDonald Image

Jennifer McDonald, ScD, CHES, NBC-HWC

Jennifer McDonald brings approximately 20 years of diverse professional experience in the health and wellness field to her work as an educator and wellness coach. As a coach, Jen specializes in helping individuals understand the multiple dimensions of influence impacting their behavior, focusing on self-advocacy, resilience building, realistic, attainable goal setting, and self-compassion. Her victim advocacy experience and training bring a trauma-informed lens to her work. As an educator, Jen excels at providing students with the tools, skills, and confidence they need to apply what they are learning in the classroom to real life work and problem solving.

National Board Certified Health and
Wellness Coach Career Opportunities

Pursuing certification as a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach is a great way to enhance
your coaching resume and access expanded career opportunities.

Our NBHWC-approved course is for you if you want to:

Work directly with healthcare providers

Get a job in the healthcare system or a corporate coaching setting

Confidently coach clients without a script

Empower clients to be the experts of themselves and what they need

Receive personalized mentoring to improve and enhance your coaching skills

Help clients get unstuck using powerful coaching methodologies

Expand your health & wellness knowledge with coaching skills to use within your business

Learn in real-time with a vibrant community for support and encouragement

The NBHWC-Approved Pathway Program:
How You’ll Learn


Get ready for a smooth, efficient, and fun online learning journey with Pathway! You'll access a new weekly online lesson and attend two live interactive classroom-style sessions to enhance your learning experience. With an estimated workload of only 7-9 hours per week, you can easily fit this intensive program into your busy schedule.

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Live Classroom Environment

Attend weekly live virtual sessions with expert instructors dedicated to empowering you with the skills and knowledge to become a confident and effective coach. Experience learning in a supportive community environment, where you can ask questions, share insights, and grow alongside your peers.

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Mentorship & Personal Feedback

Get mentored by our Pathway board-certified coach instructors, with feedback on coaching sessions to identify your strengths and growth opportunities. Attend our optional weekly faculty office hours for extra hands-on support and guidance!

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Coaching Lab Live Sessions

Practice coaching skills with peers to build confidence and apply course content in a safe and supportive environment.

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Coaching Demos

Experience dynamic coaching demonstrations showcasing high-quality coaching skills in action!

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Efficient 3-Month Program

Your course is divided into 13 modules. Each module consists of reading materials and pre-recorded videos that align with the topics covered in the weekly live class sessions.

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Various Multimedia Formats

The program content is presented through written materials, videos, audio recordings, live webinars, personal assessments, and quizzes.

Start Your Journey To Becoming A National
Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Join the Pathway Program. Coach with Confidence.
Enhance your career as a Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach.

Health Coach Institute Online Training Course Reviews

Health Coach Institute (HCI) is one of the top-rated international coach training schools
in the world, offering world-class programs that have helped tens of thousands of
people around the globe create a better future for themselves.

Here’s what students are saying about the Pathway Program.

Patricia Mitchell
"Since beginning the Pathway Program, my life has shifted more towards knowing that I’m on my journey to becoming the best Health Coach I can become. The information is rich, empowering, and challenging, but dynamic at the same time."

— Patricia Mitchell

Lena Roth
"Pathway has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life… this endeavor opened up so many more interesting doors for me. Thank you!"

— Lena Roth


Join the Pathway Program. Coach with

Confidence. Enhance your career as a

Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach.