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30-Minute Soccer Workout for Strength & Conditioning

Reading Time: 5 minutes


DATE: 2023-09-27

Soccer training programs should include high-intensity training, weightlifting, and metabolic conditioning. Players receive plenty of training with a ball during practices. Though they often don’t receive enough strength and conditioning without the ball involved.

Speed, agility, and strength training help prevent injury and improve kicking power, endurance, and physicality. Practicing drills outside game performance could be as simple as using agility ladders or hurdles. It also can become more complex in the weight room with Olympic lifts. Strength training is an excellent way to improve performance on the field. 

Young athletes are still learning the game of soccer. Though more experienced athletes can benefit from improving more than just ball skill. Weight training and soccer workouts can help take your client’s soccer game to the next level. Try adding this workout to their next training session.

30-Minute Soccer Workout

This workout will include strength-building exercises for soccer players. It dives into proper speed and agility training as well as weightlifting. These exercises may include different types of exercise in which you’ll target different pathways. They offer different levels depending on your client’s athletic abilities. You will need just 30 minutes to complete the entire workout.

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, 30-Minute Soccer Workout for Strength & Conditioning, 30 Minute Soccer Handout

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The Warm-Up

A proper warm-up helps prepare the body for strenuous activity while also reducing the threat of injury. It also dilates the blood vessels, which ensures the muscles are getting enough oxygen to perform the workout effectively.

#1 Lateral Lunges

Stand upright and adjust your foot positioning slightly wider than hip-width. Keep your feet planted on the ground while you shift your hips back. Lean to one side of the body keeping the opposite leg straight. Rock back and forth in the lateral lunge for 30 seconds.

#2 Mini-Band Squats

Attach a mini band directly above the knees. With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend at your knees and hips performing a squat. Keep your chest upright throughout each rep. Perform 20 squats total. 

#3 Skip Hops

ISSA | Skip Hops 30 Minute Soccer Workout Image

Start with one leg up and the opposite arm forward. Quickly switch the arm and leg propelling your body into the air. As soon as you contact the ground, forcefully repeat and switch to the other side. Continue for a set distance of 50 yards. 

#4 Sprints

Assume a 4-point stance and perform a total of five 15-yard sprints. Start in the 4-point stance and quickly move into the sprint. Use proper arm drive and maintain upper body posture to ensure adequate force is applied. 

The Workout

Power Superset: Power Cleans and Box Jumps

#1 Power Cleans

Start with the bar on the floor and assume a deadlift position. Place your feet hip-width apart and maintain an overhand grip on the barbell. Keep your hips down and shoulders back then perform the first pull. Pull the bar off the ground by explosively extending your legs. Be sure to keep a flat back. When the bar reaches above the knees jump straight up and extend your hips, knees, and ankles. This is called triple extension. Shrug your shoulders and allow the bar to travel up the body. This will allow you to catch the bar. When you catch, drive your elbows high, drop down into a quarter squat and stand back up. Perform 4 sets of 2 reps.

#2 Box Jumps

Position your body a few inches away from a box. Swing your arms down to the side and behind the body. As you do so, bend at your knees and hips with a slight lean forward. Powerfully drive your hips forward and swing your arms forward jumping onto the box. Fully stand up on the box and step back down. Repeat for 4 sets of 3 reps.

Strength Superset: Back Squat and Hip Thrusts

#3 Back Squat

Remove the bar from the rack while it rests on your shoulder and back muscles. Take two big steps away from the rack and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your knees and hips performing a squat. Keep your torso and chest upright. Remain looking forward and stand back up by extending your hips forward. Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. 

#4 Hip Thrusts

Start with your back and shoulders supported on a bench. Position a barbell across your hips and keep your knees bent. With your feet planted, lower your hips down to the ground and extend them back up. At the top of the motion, squeeze your glutes and drive through your heels. Repeat for 3 sets of 8 reps. 

Agility and Conditioning Superset: Agility Ladder and Hurdle Hops

#5 Agility Ladder (Two Feet In and Two Feet Out)

Set up an agility ladder on the ground. On the side of the ladder face the first box. Begin by stepping into the first box with two feet, then step out. Repeat moving laterally through the entire ladder. Move down to the end of the ladder and all the way back. Complete 4 times total or 2 total down and back. This is one set. Perform 3 sets. 

#6 Lateral Hurdle Hops

Set up approximately 3 hurdles in a straight line. Space them enough to jump in between each hurdle. Position the side of your body to face the start of the line. Jump laterally over the hurdles down and back. Complete 4 times total or 2 total down and back. This is also one set. Perform 3 times through.

The Cool Down

Your legs should be feeling it after that workout! It is best to use the following stretches directly after the workout. These stretches will help you effectively recover and prevent injury during your training program.

#1 Downward Dog Calf Pedals

In a seated position, bring one foot at a time towards your groin to begin. Make sure both bottoms of your feet are together. Hold your feet with your hands and press your elbows down on top of your knees. Keep your back straight and allow your knees to gradually fall to the ground. Stretch for 30 seconds. 

#2 Butterfly Groin Stretch

In a seated position, bring one foot at a time towards your groin to begin. Make sure both bottoms of your feet are together. Hold your feet with your hands and press your elbows down on top of your knees. Keep your back straight and allow your knees to gradually fall to the ground. Stretch for 30 seconds. 

#3 Lunge Stretch

In a full lunge position, drop the back leg down as far to the ground as possible. Lean into the front leg which should stay bent. Focus on stretching the hip flexors on each back leg. Hold each side for 30 seconds. 

Better Performance Beyond the Workout

Are you looking to learn more about how to improve your soccer performance? Check out these ISSA blogs: 

Want more than just a few blogs? Get ISSA’s Sports and Athletic Performance Bundle. It’s the top CEU to help you gain the skills needed to train performance-based clients. Athletes of all sports, ages, and levels require a competitive-driven training program to take their performance to the next level.

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, 30-Minute Soccer Workout for Strength & Conditioning, 30 Minute Soccer Handout

Download this FREE handout here!

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