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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Is Now a Good Time to Become a Personal Trainer?

Is Now a Good Time to Become a Personal Trainer?

Reading Time: 5 minutes


DATE: 2024-05-20

The pandemic changed the fitness industry. Gyms closed for extended periods of time. People were afraid to go back to gyms even when they reopened. It represented a big downturn in revenue for the fitness industry as a whole. 

But the industry rebounded and some areas changed in ways that will likely be permanent. What does this mean for starting a career as a personal trainer? We’ll break it down for you here. 

Today’s Fitness Market – Is it a Good Time to Be a Personal Trainer? 

The fitness industry was on a growth path before the pandemic struck. It generated a global revenue total of $96.7 billion in 2019 and was set to rise again in 2020. The pandemic caused a downturn and revenues fell drastically. This was temporary. The industry is growing once again, with more revenue in some sectors than others. 

Jobs in Fitness Are Growing Fast

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) backs up this renewed growth. The BLS projects 14% growth for fitness trainers and instructors between 2022 and 2032. This is huge and much faster than average job growth across all industries. 

The strong growth equates to 69,000 projected openings for personal trainers through 2032. This accounts for the entire U.S. There is variability by state and region, but overall, the growth is strong and promising for future trainers. 

The BLS states that this growth has several explanations. One is simply that people have left the industry and gyms need to fill those positions. Also important is recovery from the pandemic, which is fueling a boom in gym membership. Employers continue to see the need to promote health and wellness to save on insurance costs, which means they will promote and incentivize employees to work with trainers. 

More People Are Hiring Trainers

Again, the pandemic brought an unexpected downturn, but prior to COVID-19, the percentage of gym users hiring a trainer was on the rise. According to IHRSA, The Global Health & Fitness Association, the use of personal trainers grew 11% from 2013 to 2014 and grew again in 2016 and 2018

The pre-pandemic trend was clearly upward. Increasingly, gym-goers want more from their workout experience. Another trend IHRSA identified before the pandemic was growing personalization in workouts. This is something only personal trainers can provide, and consumers continue to demand it. 

Is it a Good Time to Offer Workouts and Training Online? 

Virtual training is unlikely to ever replace in-person fitness, but largely thanks to the pandemic it has grown in popularity. This creates new opportunities for current and future trainers and opens doors for anyone just entering the industry, 

While some people were eager to get back to gyms when they opened, many clients stuck with virtual training or a hybrid of both. Fans of online training appreciate the convenience, being able to work out on their own schedule, saving time not driving to the gym, and the lower costs. 

Fitness industry experts believe the online personal trainer trend has staying power. They think people will continue to enjoy the benefits of virtual training and many will do both online and in-person workouts. 

All of this makes now a great time to offer virtual training workout sessions. You don’t have to risk it all and go completely online. Online training can be a side hustle, either to a day job or your in-person gym job. 

Are You Ready to Be a Personal Trainer? 

The industry and consumers are ready for you to add your skills and passion to the fitness community, but are you? Make sure you understand what it means to work as a personal trainer, how much you can earn, and what it takes to get there. 

Do I Need Fitness Certifications? 

Yes, you absolutely need to be certified to be a successful personal trainer. While the government does not regulate this industry, most gyms require a personal training certification. Furthermore, gym members are savvy and are much more likely to hire a certified over a non-certified trainer. 

A recognized personal trainer certification course will take just a few months to complete but gives you all the tools you need to get started. It provides an essential foundation of fitness and health knowledge as well as a source of ongoing education. 

The growing demand for personalized workouts makes certifications more important than ever. In addition to the standard certification, you can take continuing education courses and earn credentials in fitness niches to meet this demand: 

  • Group fitness instructor

  • Running coach

  • Health and wellness coach

  • Senior fitness trainer

  • Strength and conditioning coach

  • Nutrition coaching

  • Master trainer

Learn more: What qualifications do you need to work as a personal trainer?

Can I Actually Make Money as a Personal Trainer? 

According to the BLS, the median annual salary for a fitness trainer or instructor is $46,480, but there is a lot of variability. The top ten percent of earners in the field make more than $80,740 per year. How much you earn is largely up to you. 

You can choose a gym based on the personal trainer salary offered or how much work they can provide. You can work full time or start training clients part time as you continue to work your current job. As a self-employed trainer, your ability to set training session prices and draw and maintain customers have a huge impact on what you earn. 

Is Personal Training a Difficult Job?

Yes and no. To be successful in this career, you need to work hard. Clients expect results with their fitness goal. If you don’t put in the effort for each personal training session, your clients won’t see results. You also need to hustle as a business owner and marketer in order to attract potential clients. 

On the other hand, if you love fitness and helping people with their own fitness journey, the hard work is mostly enjoyable. Yes, you’ll come across some challenges, like difficult clients and dry spells, but overall, this can be a really fun career. You get to spend most of your time working out and hanging out with other people focused on health and fitness. 

It is not necessarily easy to be a successful fitness professional, but the difficulties can be fun and rewarding challenges if you enjoy what you’re doing. 

Am I Too Old to Become a Trainer? 

It’s never too late to learn a new skill. No matter your age, if you have a passion for fitness, enjoy working with people, and are willing to learn, you can become a successful fitness coach. Many people enjoy personal training as a second career in retirement. Don’t let age hold you back. Many clients appreciate the experience and wisdom of an older trainer, especially senior clients. 

For more reasons not to let age hold you back from your fitness career dreams, check out this ISSA blog

How to Become a Personal Trainer

Now is not just as good a time as any to get into fitness. It’s actually a great time to join the industry. Take advantage of the post-pandemic rebound and continued growth in health and fitness. Become a personal trainer now to enjoy a rewarding career that will also be stable and lucrative. 

The best time to become a personal trainer is when you’re ready and that means getting certified. ISSA’s Certified Personal Trainer – Self-Guided Study Program is the next step to making your career dreams come true. Start your training today!

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Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Fitness Trainers and Instructors, at (visited April 18, 2024).

Personal Training Usage Continues to Grow Among Health Club Members. IHRSA. (2016). Retrieved 5 August 2022, from

3 Key Insights from Personal Training Clients. IHRSA. (2018). Retrieved 5 August 2022, from

Hyper-personalization Is the Next Big Trend in Fitness. IHRSA. (2019). Retrieved 5 August 2022, from

Melanie Radzicki McManus, C. (2022). Online fitness training or in-person workouts: Which is better?. CNN. Retrieved 5 August 2022, from

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