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Benefits of Circuit Training—Engage Clients, Earn More Money

Circuit Training Workouts: Benefits and Sample Workout

Reading Time: 7 minutes 30 seconds


DATE: 2022-12-01

Looking for a fun way to keep your clients engaged as well as help them reach their fitness goals? If you're not currently using circuit training with your clients, it might just be the answer you're looking for. Let's explore circuit training, the benefits it adds to your clients' workout regimens, and how to build a circuit workout.

What is Circuit Training?

Circuit training consists of a variety of exercises completed back-to-back with little or no rest between exercises. Although they can have more, circuits typically include 5-10 exercises that alternate muscle groups.

As a personal trainer, you might incorporate a circuit workout in a small group training session. It is designed for clients to move quickly from one exercise to the next. With limited rest periods, circuit training workouts help build strength and cardio, which leads to both muscle growth and fat loss. 

You can expect circuit training to increase your fitness level because you are naturally pushed past your limits. Cardiovascular fitness is targeted through high intensity interval training, functional training, and strength training. Combining resistance training and cardio exercise types elevates the client's heart rate and improves muscular endurance. 

Benefits of Circuit Training

There are many benefits of circuit training for both clients and trainers. Circuit training is versatile and targets many different exercise goals. It provides clients with exercise variety and flexibility to workout anywhere. Let's dig into a few of the benefits of circuit training and why you may want to consider incorporating circuit training into your clients' workouts.

1. Circuit Training Allows Variety

Staying motivated is often one of the main challenges when trying to stick to an exercise routine. As a trainer, added variety to workouts is essential to not only challenge the body, but it is also a key element in preventing boredom. Circuit training is anything but boring. There are many ways to mix things up.

Exercise Variety

The exercises in a circuit are typically called stations. Not only can you change the exercises at each station, but you can also adjust the order of the exercises and the tempo of the movement at each station. This allows you to customize the exercises to help meet the client's goals (strength training, endurance, weight loss, etc.), create muscle confusion, and create a fun and challenging atmosphere.

Time Intervals Modification

Although the length of time spent at each station can vary quite a bit, the typical circuit station is 30 seconds to 3 minutes long. You can change up the circuit by changing these time intervals. For example, increase the 60-second time interval to 90 seconds to challenge your clients. Or drop it down to 45 seconds to speed up the workout.

Repetition Modification

If the set-up is right, the time spent at each station can be determined by the number of reps that need to be completed. So, for example, a client may need to complete 15 push-ups before moving on to the next station. You can change this up by increasing or decreasing the number of reps. However, if you are doing circuits in a group setting, this can be a bit more challenging. Time intervals tend to help things run a bit smoother for a group because it prevents the overlap from clients moving at different paces.


Equipment isn't needed for circuit training, but it is an excellent way to mix things up. Add weight training or resistance training exercises to challenge your clients. Or take the resistance away and focus on a more explosive movement.

2. Circuit Training Is Flexible

Excuses for not exercising are minimized when you can do it anywhere, with or without equipment, and at any fitness level.

Flexible Locations

Circuit training can be done virtually anywhere. Although clients can participate in an organized group class or create their own circuit at the gym, this type of workout is also ideal for the home, the park, or a hotel room when traveling.

Solo or Group Training

Circuit training is an excellent solo workout. But it can also be an incredibly fun way to train more than one client at a time, create a supportive atmosphere, and even a little competition with the right clients. In a group setting, clients can work out together while still allowing you the flexibility to change the exercises or pace to the needs of each client. Even better, group training allows you to maximize your time and earn more money!

With or Without Equipment

As mentioned earlier, equipment is not required for circuit training. A circuit with equipment may include dumbbells, jump ropes, kettlebells, etc. But an entire circuit can be built with bodyweight exercises (air squats, push-ups, planks, lunges, crunches, etc.).

Fitness Levels

Circuit training can cater to all levels of fitness. Your job as a trainer is to ensure that you have a good understanding of the abilities of each of your clients. Knowing this will help you modify exercises for clients when needed.

Time Efficient

The format of the workout allows you to target several muscles and combine it with a cardio workout. Reducing the rest period between sets and minimizing the need to hit the weight room and then cardio machines allows clients to complete an effective workout in a short period of time and move on with their day.

3. Circuit Training Can Be a Full Body Workout

Circuit training is an effective way to work the entire body. If it's done right, a client can engage all major muscle groups and improve muscular endurance and their cardiovascular system.

Engage All Major Muscle Groups

Circuit exercises usually alternate between muscle groups. So, a circuit workout may start with squats, transition to push-ups, then crunches, then lunges, etc. The format allows certain muscle groups to rest while other muscles are working. And it is a great way to incorporate several different exercises into one workout session.

Improves Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is the muscle's ability to perform an exercise for an extended period of time. The length of the intervals typically set the stage for a client to work through fatigue and failure. Over time, this can help them improve muscular endurance.

Cardiovascular Workout

Minimal rest between exercises challenges the cardiovascular system. It keeps the heart rate elevated and burns calories throughout the workout. For an additional cardio boost, alternate cardio exercises with strength exercises. Jump rope, running in place, burpees, and jumping jacks are all great examples.

How to Structure a Circuit Training Workout

There are a number of ways to set up circuit training. Some circuit workouts are geared towards more cardio, some strength, and others both.

When strength training within a circuit workout, you’ll want to use weights heavy enough to where the last few reps are challenging. Though avoid reaching complete failure on these exercises. For the cardio-based exercises, aim to elevate your heart rate enough to where you can talk but also are still slightly breathless. Some trainers will even use a perceived exertion scale to measure the level of intensity.

If you are working with a novice client, try starting circuit training with low to moderate weights or none. Also, limit the number of rounds your client should complete. For intermediates, increase the weights and intensity by completing more rounds. Advanced exercisers should complete at least three rounds or more. They can increase the intensity by lifting heavier and decreasing rest periods. 

For all clients, before starting the circuit workout, begin with a 5–10-minute warm-up. Include light cardio activity and dynamic stretching. Mimic the movement patterns that will be used in the workout. The example circuit workout can be adjusted according to fitness level, but keep in mind that the times are only suggestions. Encourage clients to move at their own pace and correct form.

What to Consider for Circuit Workouts

First, select your time limit. The total length of the circuit training is important to clients. This allows them to plan their day accordingly. It also prepares them mentally for the workout. Adjust each station and exercise work period appropriately based on your clients. This will allow you to increase or decrease the total workout duration for each fitness level. 

Next, you will need to choose a combination of exercises to use in the workout circuit. It’s your choice on which muscle groups to target. Though most circuit training is a total body workout. This creates quick and effective workouts. If this is the case, choose from a combination of upper body and lower body exercises. Include compound strength exercises and cardio-based exercises in addition to the main exercises.

Once you choose your lower and upper body exercises, pair each of them with a cardio intensive exercise. This pair of exercises can make up one station. It would be completed for a set amount of time or number of sets before moving to the next station. You can implement rest periods anytime throughout the circuit. Keep in mind that minimal rest time will help maintain an effective intensity level by keeping the heart rate up. This ensures a quick and effective workout for clients. 

For novice clients, implement shorter rest periods. This can be anywhere from 30-60 seconds in between exercises within each station. It can also take place in between stations if needed. Intermediate clients should include 15-30 seconds of rest between each station, not in between exercises. Lastly, for advanced gym goers, include a short rest period only if needed. This could be after completing all prescribed stations and before beginning the next full round. 

Small Group Circuit Workout

This workout will be 30 minutes in length. You can adjust the workout length by adding exercises or increasing the set duration. To adjust the difficulty, you can complete more or fewer rounds of all 5 stations. Begin with a quick 5–10-minute warm-up, then jump into the workout. 

Station 1

Dumbbell Thrusters: 1 set for 30 seconds

Jump Rope: 1 set for 30 seconds

Station 2

Jumping Lunges: 1 set for 30 seconds

Bench Hop Overs: 1 set for 30 seconds

Station 3

Bodyweight Push Ups: 1 set for 30 seconds

Up-hill Running: 1 set for 30 seconds

Station 4

Bench Dips: 1 set for 30 seconds

Mountain Climbers: 1 set for 30 seconds

Station 5

Dumbbell or Kettlebell Cleans: 1 set for 30 seconds

Rowing: 1 set for 30 seconds

Complete each station up to 6 times in a row or more. Rest for up to 60 seconds before starting each round. Once the circuit workout is finished, cool down and stretch. Incorporate static stretching into the cooldown to promote muscle recovery and repair.

Circuit Training Benefits Clients and Trainers

Circuit training is a fun and efficient workout. There are many ways to modify a circuit which makes it a great workout with or without friends, with or without equipment, and right for all fitness levels. If it's done right, it can be an effective workout that targets the entire body and challenges the cardiovascular system in a short period of time. And when used with groups, it is an effective way to earn more in less time.

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