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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Andy Dooley, Allison Laprelle, Pastor and trainer helps client see that health is a choice

Pastor and Trainer Helps Client See That Health Is a Choice

Reading Time: 1 minute 42 seconds


DATE: 2017-12-28

By Allison Laprelle

I met Andy Dooley through my church in Ventura, CA. He was the pastor that married my husband and I in July 2016. It was such a great experience to get to know him and see his passion for people and their lives. After many failed attempts on my own to lose weight and get healthy, I knew I needed a
change and hired Andy.

There are many reasons why I decided to get healthy and change my lifestyle habits. First of all, I have struggled with my weight my whole life and was always dieting to find a quick fix. I was also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder 7 years ago and have been taking medication for it. I knew that exercise and eating healthy would help my anxiety. I wanted a better outlet for my anxiety and stress than food. My mom has also had some life-threatening health issues due to her poor choices in the past and I knew that I wanted to be different than her.

I want to make better decisions and learn how to take care of my body so I can live longer and healthier.

Andy has taught me how to have better discipline in what I eat and how I exercise. He has really changed my mentality and pushed me to realize I can take control of my lifestyle and recognize that health is a day-to-day choice.

I have been eating more protein and vegetables than I ever have and drinking a gallon of water a day. I am learning how to cook better meals and to discern when I am truly hungry or just eating out of emotions. From a fitness standpoint, I am moving more than I ever have in my life. My body is doing things I never thought I could.

I started this journey in September 2016 and I have lost 32 pounds. I feel more energized now, I am sleeping better at night and I was able to safely get off of my anxiety medication. My skin has cleared up too, from drinking so much water, which is an added bonus.

Overall I feel so much better; less sluggish and tired. I am so glad I decided to work hard and be consistent and disciplined to see these results. Andy is such a great trainer to work with. He is genuinely dedicated to helping me by pushing and encouraging me.

I am so blessed to have him in my corner rooting for me!

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