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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, 8 Tips on How to Write a Trainer Bio That Brings in Clients

8 Tips on How to Write a Trainer Bio That Brings in Clients

Reading Time: 4 minutes and 5 seconds


DATE: 2022-04-12

Your personal trainer bio page is a representation of you and your fitness brand. It provides a space for clients to find out more about you and the services you offer. But, here’s the interesting part, the focus of the bio page has very little to do with you, as a fitness instructor. The bio page is all about your ideal personal training customer. 

The whole point of the personal trainer bio page is to help clients decide if what you have to offer meets what they are looking for. They don’t necessarily just want to read about you, they want to see if you can help them. So, the bio page is actually more of an influential spot that allows you to connect your fitness skills and services to the needs of your customers.

Here we’ll unravel 8 tips to help you do just that! 

8 Tips on How to Write a Personal Trainer Bio 

Follow along as we explore important elements of the personal trainer bio page that can help you bring in more personal training clients and more revenue!

1. Know Your Customer

Like we mentioned, your personal training bio page is the perfect opportunity to connect with future clients and show them what you can do for them. However, to be able to speak to and connect with your ideal customers, you need to define and understand who they are:

  • How old are they?

  • Where do they live (if applicable)?

  • What are their challenges and concerns?

  • What are their nutrition habits, daily exercise routines, and fitness level?

  • What are their fitness goals (strength training, weight loss, corrective exercise, etc.)?

  • Etc.

Knowing your customer is essential for creating your bio page. Once you have a good understanding of who they are, you can start building your bio page to reach them.

2. Keep it Simple

The simplicity of the bio page is important in both look and language. The first glimpse of your bio page should be crisp and organized without an overwhelming amount of content. So, you will want to communicate in a concise and orderly fashion.

However, it’s also essential to simplify the way you speak to your future clients. It’s likely that many of your fitness clients will not have a strong education in exercise science, sports medicine, or other fitness-related degrees. So, when you speak to them, it’s important to communicate in a way they understand. Even simple things like the acronyms ISSA CPT can be confusing unless you communicate CPT means Certified Personal Trainer. 

Not yet certified? If you love helping others challenge their bodies and minds, check out ISSA’s Personal Training Course and get certified from the comfort of your own home.

3. Present Yourself

Although the focus of the personal trainer bio page is on the customer. Your bio page is where you get to share you and the value you provide clients as a fitness instructor. You want to communicate how what you have to offer is needed to reach their fitness goals. You will want to consider including your:

  • Name

  • Education and certifications

  • Experience

  • Services offered 

  • Contact info

  • Location (if appropriate)

  • Niche or specialization

You may also want to include your elevator pitch or your 1-2 sentence description of exactly what you do in the fitness industry. Here's an example of what that might look like for a fitness professional within the yoga niche:

“I use yoga postures to help new moms lose their pregnancy weight and improve their body confidence.” 

4. Authenticity

Customers buy from people they like. People are more likable when they are relatable. So, be yourself and be real! Although it's important to remain professional, make sure future clients get to see a little bit of your awesome personality shine through on your bio page. Consider including a fun fact or story about your own fitness journey.

5. Be Different 

There are numerous personal trainers on the internet and many have awesome bio pages (just like you). What makes you different? How do you stand out from the next fitness trainer? It's important to communicate why you're unique and why you are the one that can help your ideal client reach their training, nutrition, and wellness goals.

6. Professionalism

The bio page is often the first impression clients will get of you and your personal training business. It should be clean, simple, and professional. It’s important to ensure you (or a program or professional) proofread and edit the content on your page to catch any spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, or excessive content before the bio page goes live. 

7. Call to Action (CTA)

A CTA is a must for your bio page. It guides your customers to the next logical step of the process with you. So, they've read your bio, they've decided they want to purchase training sessions from you, now what do they do? 

  • Sign up on the website?

  • Submit their email?

  • Call to set up an appointment?

  • Fill out a form?

Having a concise and direct CTA tells your future clients exactly what they should do next to get their training program started!

8. Include A Picture

Consider including a picture of yourself on your bio page. Customers like to put a face with a name. It can help create a connection. Make sure you choose a photo that is professional and taken with proper lighting. And, take the time to properly position and size the photo on your page. 

Although all these tips are important, ultimately, the keys to the personal trainer bio are targeting your customer, connecting what you offer to what they are looking for, and helping them understand what to do next to start a personal training program with you. If you can master that, you’ll be in a great position to start bringing in more personal training clients.

Trying to reach more clients? Get online! Sign up for the ISSA’s Online Coach Certification to start your online coaching business. In this course you can pick and choose what you need to learn about when it comes to running an online and virtual coaching business.

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ISSA | Online Coach

The ISSA Online Coaching Certification is the fastest way to transition a fitness coaching business online. This course allows you to pick and choose what you need to learn about so it fits the needs of a new or seasoned trainer. The on-demand information is delivered in bite-sized chunks and it includes everything from how to set up email campaigns and FaceBook ads to positioning and selling your product to prospective clients.

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