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Renaissance Woman: Redefining the World of Fitness Entrepreneurship


About the Course

Ashley Horner is dedicated to her children and living a fit life. Looking at her now, you would never realize that fitness has not always come easily to Ashley. After having her first two children, Ashley realized it was up to her alone to come back from C-sections and stretch marks, issues that many women deal with. She is a mother of three, cross-over athlete, pro fitness competitor, ultra-runner, and triathlete. She and her team are monthly contributors for Train for Her fitness magazine, writing a six-page spread each month. Ashley is also the Editor-in-Chief for the magazine. She represents prestigious companies like, RockTape, and Reebok.

She owns a training facility in Virginia Beach, American Sled Dogs, where she also operates the Unbroken Movement Foundation, a free program for battered women to train and regain confidence and strength. Also, spouses of deployed husbands are able to attend classes and train for free. Please click on the link to donate to Unbroken Movement. As part of the Unbroken Movement, Ashley has developed 50 chapters of the foundation (one in each state), led by Ashletes that collect shoes for the homeless. Each month, shoes are collected, donated, and distributed.

Ashley also owns the Valkyrie clothing line and designs 100% of every item produced. Valkyrie, meaning "chooser of the slain," is a female war goddess, a sister armed with helmet and spear. They are often depicted as riding wild wolves, or, in some accounts, as soaring through the air raven-like, scavenging for souls. The Valkyrie is emblematic of finding beauty in strength, the underlying theme in all of Ashley's projects.

Among her many projects is one for and by children, Her entire team contributes to this children's training site, which also offers guidance for the newly pregnant and first-time mothers.

The Transform You challenge, a ten-week transformation challenge, has over 500 entries for each competition. The winner walks away with either $3,000 or the opportunity for an all-expense paid vacation to visit and train with Ashley for a weekend at American Sled Dogs in Virginia Beach. This competition has become a huge hit with Ashley's fitness followers, who call themselves "Ashletes."

Another program that Ashley runs in tandem with the transformation challenges is the Horner Elite Team, a group of hand-picked individuals from an application process who train one-on-one with Ashley. Ashley offers customized training, daily accountability, race preparation for triathlons and marathons, fitness competitions, photo shoots, and the opportunity for anyone to become an all-around badass!

Op-6 is a similar program to Horner Elite, but is structured especially for wives of deployed servicemen. Ashley offers participants nutritional counseling and coaching, but her main goal with this program is to keep women strong in body and mind until their deployed spouses return home. These soldiers get a homecoming to remember!

Military service is near and dear to Ashley's heart. She travels all over the U.S., offering Camp Valor near military bases. Each camp has 100+ participants, and the purpose of the camps is to give back to the community, the Unbroken Movement, or seasonal charities like Toys for Tots or canned food drives. Her goal for 2016 is to have HUGE events that fill stadiums, impacting local communities and beyond! Click here to see the 2016 Camp Valor dates.

The start of all of Ashley's endeavors are her 13 life-changing eBook trainers currently for sale. She has sold over two million copies of her trainers, and continues to develop guides for a diverse population, including at-home trainers as well as cookbooks and programs for pregnant women. See her trainers here for more information and check out the free Ashley Horner fitness app she recently developed for free monthly workouts!

Fiercely successful competitor and entrepreneur, Ashley Horner, has accomplished quite a bit in such a short time. Becoming a sponsored athlete, WBFF and Triathlon athlete, and very financially successful online trainer are but a few of her accolades. Ashley's presentation will be providing attendees practical entrepreneurial steps to help create their own niche, while giving her heartfelt start-up story simultaneously.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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