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How To Create An E-Book Part Two


About the Course

Brian Cannone has a passion for the health and fitness industry.

Entrepreneur and Best Selling Author is an experienced Health Club Operator, Online Business Owner, and Fitness Event Organizer.

Brian Cannone began his full-time career in the fitness industry in 1991 and continues to operate health clubs, promote fitness events, and help bring fitness related products to market today. He has lead marketing and improved sales conversions for the largest health club chain in the State of Connecticut.

Brian's experience has lead him to oversee many successful health clubs and his responsibilities included setting up new facilities, building and managing a staff, daily membership sales, personal training, and club marketing and promotion. He is also certified as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant which he created systems for personal trainers and studio to increase their value and service more clients.

Brian has over a decade of producing some of the largest live fitness events in the country and working with fitness celebrities and he is thankful being able to do something he is extremely passionate about.

Brian Cannone began his career in the fitness industry in 1991 and continues to operate health club chains, promote celebrity trainers live events, and bring fitness related products to market. As an entrepreneur and best-selling author, his first session will teach you how to create an online digital fitness product in any form such as books, workout videos, and audio programs in less than 30 days!

Session two Brian will teach you how to sell your product online through affiliates with a product launch that can generate $25,000 and up to Six Figures in a 4-day promotion.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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