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Five Step Back Solution


About the Course

The Five Step Back Solution is a clear, concise, easy to understand educational program that explains the most common causes and remedies for back pain. From etiology to prevention, from stretching to specific exercises, this practical, yet comprehensive, five step approach will guide you through the most effective conservative methods used to successfully treat thousands of Olympic and professional athletes.

Features an audio lecture by ISSA Executive Co-Founder, Dr. Sal Arria. Requires either Windows Media Player or RealOne plugin to hear the audio lecture. Both of these multimedia players are free and available online. If you do not want to listen to the audio lecture, you can simply read the text on each page.

Also features downloadable course text for offline study, online exam, instant grading and automatic certificate generation after completion of the course.

The Five Step Back Solution, a Telly Award winning program, was produced by the American Institute of Health Education and hosted by Dr. Sal Arria, world renowned chiropractor and sports medicine specialist.

If you've ever had back pain, this program will provide you with the information necessary to take care of your back after you've seen your doctor.

If you're a fitness professional, over 90 percent of your clients will have or have had back pain. Due to the fact that over 90 million Americans suffer from back pain every year, it's very important for you to have at least a basic understanding of the causes, conservative treatment and prevention of back pain.

Simply follow the instructions for downloading the appropriate plug-ins and enjoy!

If you have any questions please contact

This CEU is currently submitted for acceptance by other organizations. However, the ISSA is the only organization crediting its members with one CEU upon completion.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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