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DVD and Infomercial Production


About the Course

Tamilee Webb MA. Tamilee Webb earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physical Education and a Master of Arts degree in Exercise Science both attained at California State University, Chico. She has furthered her education with involvement in IDEA, AFAA, ACE, and FROG'S Athletic Club and is now CEO of Webb International, Inc. Tamilee has been the recipient of numerous other awards for outstanding achievement in the field of personal fitness, including Best Exercise Video and Best Training Organization 1987, conferred by IDEA, has been honored by California State University, Chico, Outstanding Alumni of 1990 and 1996. Inducted in the FITNESS HALL OF FAME in 2008, Tamilee shares this honor with fellow fitness celebrities as Kathy Smith, Gilad Janklowicz, Jack Lalanne, and Jane Fonda to name a few. Tamilee is best known for her Buns of Steel series that has sold more than 10 million copies which include her Quick-Toning Series, and co-hosted the Buns of Steel Platinum Series. Now available on DVD and digital download, back by popular demand and continues to be her best seller of all time.

The infomercial DVD (direct response) industry is a trillion dollar global market. The industry is projected to earn up to 252.3 billion in sales (USA) by 2015. Fitness icon and DVD production veteran, Tamilee Webb, guides attendees through the world of DVD and infomercial production. In this overview, attendees will,

Learning Objectives:

  • Know if a product is infomercial-worthy.

  • Recognize the actions needed to have a chance at a successful infomercials

  • Understand product distribution channels needed

  • Logistics of producing a DVD and/or Infomercial

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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