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Combining Supplements


About the Course

It is common for individuals who experiment with supplements to incorporate two or more products into their daily routine. The mentality that if one is good, two must be better, is a purveying thought process in many supplement users. We like to think that if we take two supplements, the combined effect is equal to the sum of their individual effects. In other words, one plus one equals two. This is the simple and logical scenario, where the effects of each supplement are independent of the other.

But what we do not always realize is that supplements, even natural ones, are chemicals, and that combining two or more can alter the intended effects in potentially undesirable ways. Unfortunately, the available peer-reviewed clinical research on the effects of taking multiple supplements simultaneously is scarce; nonetheless, for educational purposes the point to keep in mind is that the use of dietary supplements is not always simple math. In fact, in the case of supplements, one plus one does not always equal two.

Features online enrollment, online exam and instant grading as well as automatic certificate generation upon completion of course.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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